2024 Congregation Council
Jill Mueller, President
My husband Jim and I joined Epiphany shortly after moving to Elmhurst in 1994. We visited several local churches and found Epiphany to be the most welcoming and family friendly. We have three children who were all baptized and confirmed at Epiphany, in addition to attending Sunday School and LYO.
Since joining Epiphany, I have served in multiple capacities. I have been a Sunday School teacher, assistant Sunday School superintendent, Resale Committee member, Youth Ministry Committee member, and choir member. As a recently retired special educator, I look forward to using my new-found time for this opportunity to serve Epiphany.
Since joining Epiphany, I have served in multiple capacities. I have been a Sunday School teacher, assistant Sunday School superintendent, Resale Committee member, Youth Ministry Committee member, and choir member. As a recently retired special educator, I look forward to using my new-found time for this opportunity to serve Epiphany.
Larry Magnesen, Vice President

Larry Magnesen and his wife, Peggy, live in downtown Elmhurst. They have three grown children in Chicago and three grandchildren. Larry has been in bank marketing and communications since 1981, and recently retired. Although they have lived in several other cities in the Midwest, Larry was originally confirmed at Epiphany. Peggy’s career was in clinical microbiology. They enjoy travel and ballroom dance.
Anna Wick, Secretary
I am a newer member of Epiphany, having attended for just over two years. My husband Grady and I have 2 children - Allison (11) and Nate (10). We have lived in Elmhurst since 2008. I was born and raised in Wisconsin and then attended the University of Illinois, graduating with a degree in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, I took a job in IT and worked in that field for about 10 years. Since Allison was born, my main job has been as a stay-at-home-mom. However, I had time to volunteer in a number of ministries at our previous church, Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church. There I was able to help with everything from organizing a walk for water to help build a well in Africa, to helping out with advertising and website updates for the single moms ministry, to helping with the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry. I also have been attending Coffee Break Bible Study for 12 years, and I was on church staff as co-director of the program for 3 years. I continue to lead a small group Bible study for Coffee Break. In my free time, I am an avid reader and I practice hot yoga. I am excited to join Epiphany’s Church Council, and I look forward to getting to know the members better, as well as contributing to the council with God’s help and guidance.
Pat Jones, Treasurer

Laurie Hier, Financial Secretary

Rhonda Berg

I have been a member at Epiphany for 7 years. My husband, Erik, and I chose Epiphany after visiting several churches in the area and experienced the warmest welcome from the Epiphany congregation. We have two children, Avery (11) and Steven (6), and a mini goldendoodle puppy, Sadie. I am a consultant for Mercer and work with various corporate and not-for-profit companies providing fiduciary guidance for retirement plan committees. For therapy, I run with a few friends around Elmhurst, and I enjoy reading.
Erik and I felt a true commitment to the church after volunteering for the Rejoice & Renew capital improvements campaign. After being part of such a caring, dedicated team of Epiphany members and envisioning all the potential for the Epiphany family, I felt called upon to become more involved. I am thrilled to serve on the Congregation Council and hope to carry forward Epiphany's mission.
Bill Bringman
My wife (Jill) and I began attending Epiphany at the beginning of 2023,
becoming members in March. I started playing with the praise band in
February and enjoy sharing my music with the congregation. Prior to
Epiphany I was a lifelong member of Faith Lutheran in Brookfield until it
dissolved at the end of 2022.
In my years there I was the music and handbell choir director, worship and
music chairman (for 30+ years), served on church council and was council
president for a few years. (plus many more roles over the years) I work for
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, supporting our project managers. I enjoy scuba diving,
camping, gardening and hunting geodes.
Erik and I felt a true commitment to the church after volunteering for the Rejoice & Renew capital improvements campaign. After being part of such a caring, dedicated team of Epiphany members and envisioning all the potential for the Epiphany family, I felt called upon to become more involved. I am thrilled to serve on the Congregation Council and hope to carry forward Epiphany's mission.
Bill Bringman
My wife (Jill) and I began attending Epiphany at the beginning of 2023,
becoming members in March. I started playing with the praise band in
February and enjoy sharing my music with the congregation. Prior to
Epiphany I was a lifelong member of Faith Lutheran in Brookfield until it
dissolved at the end of 2022.
In my years there I was the music and handbell choir director, worship and
music chairman (for 30+ years), served on church council and was council
president for a few years. (plus many more roles over the years) I work for
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, supporting our project managers. I enjoy scuba diving,
camping, gardening and hunting geodes.
Lisa Budris
I have been a member of Epiphany since 1983, where I raised my two sons, Dan and John McAndrew. They were baptized here, confirmed, and also took their first communion here! I also married Dave Chudik here in 2017! (He is a member our of Praise Band, and an Epiphany member.)
I have been active with our Social Ministry/Outreach Committee since I joined in 1983, heading up the Tree of Love and Caring since then after initially working with Jack and Mary Anderson, Dorothy Bonthron, and Grace Lippert. It has always been an important part of Christmas for our family! I also helped organize several events within Social Ministry over the years. I was a member of the Rachel’s Women’s Group for several years, and now a member of Hannah’s. I also volunteered as an usher for several years, as well as on the coffee committee. Over the years, I also volunteered at Vacation Bible School and numerous activities as my sons were growing up. Dave and I also participated in our first Men in Mission golf outing this past year and plan on making it something we do annually.
My professional background includes starting my career in sales at IBM, along with several years in banking. I transitioned over to Nationwide eight years ago, selling/training on the importance of having insured pets to veterinarians in a multi-state region. I am currently working at Royal Canin/Mars, also in the veterinarian field.
I have been active with our Social Ministry/Outreach Committee since I joined in 1983, heading up the Tree of Love and Caring since then after initially working with Jack and Mary Anderson, Dorothy Bonthron, and Grace Lippert. It has always been an important part of Christmas for our family! I also helped organize several events within Social Ministry over the years. I was a member of the Rachel’s Women’s Group for several years, and now a member of Hannah’s. I also volunteered as an usher for several years, as well as on the coffee committee. Over the years, I also volunteered at Vacation Bible School and numerous activities as my sons were growing up. Dave and I also participated in our first Men in Mission golf outing this past year and plan on making it something we do annually.
My professional background includes starting my career in sales at IBM, along with several years in banking. I transitioned over to Nationwide eight years ago, selling/training on the importance of having insured pets to veterinarians in a multi-state region. I am currently working at Royal Canin/Mars, also in the veterinarian field.
Bill Edwards

Bill and Annette Edwards have been members of Epiphany since 1987. Bill has served on the Mutual Ministry Committee for the past eight years and served on the Congregation Council previously. He has also been an usher.
Professionally, Bill has spent most of his career in higher education administrative leadership roles. Currently, he is the executive director for the College of Education at National Louis University.
Professionally, Bill has spent most of his career in higher education administrative leadership roles. Currently, he is the executive director for the College of Education at National Louis University.
Christian Ewald

Hi, my name is Christian Ewald. My family, Erin (my wife), and two daughters, Finley and Kaylee are proud to be a part of Epiphany. I am honored to help serve on the council and work together with the team. Professionally, I am a mechanical engineer. Over the past 20 years, I have been working as project manager, focusing on continuous improvement in various areas of industries. I have my MBA, with a concentration in finance. We have lived in Elmhurst for 12 years, enjoy attending our daughters’ different activities, traveling (someday soon again!), sampling different restaurants, going to the movies, and debating which college is better—Michigan (me) or Purdue (Erin)…Go Blue!
Kristin Hall

Kristin and her family joined Epiphany shortly after they moved to Elmhurst, from Oak Park, in 2014. Kristin leads a sales enablement team at Google and has held various sales and marketing roles at Google since joining in 2008.
Kristin first joined Epihany's congregational council in 2020 and served two terms as Council President. Kristin is the proud parent of Jackson, currently a student at Indiana University and Vya who will graduate from York in 2025. They live on the east side of Elmhurst with their two beloved rescue pups, Jarvis and Friday.
Kristin first joined Epihany's congregational council in 2020 and served two terms as Council President. Kristin is the proud parent of Jackson, currently a student at Indiana University and Vya who will graduate from York in 2025. They live on the east side of Elmhurst with their two beloved rescue pups, Jarvis and Friday.
Brigette Hoaglund

Maureen McPherson

Maureen McPherson has been a member of Epiphany since she was born and is looking forward to bringing her talents and energy to the Congregational Council. She’s a third generation Epiphany-ite, and as such has a deep respect for the history and traditions of our church. She grew up attending Sunday School, followed by the 10:45 churchservice every week. She attended numerous Group Work Camps, lock-ins, and ELCA youth gatherings as a member of LYO. Nowadays you’ll find Maureen singing with the praise band on Sunday mornings and helping out with VBS in the summer. As a mom of three little ones, she has a vested interest in creating a vibrant future for our church and its youngest members. Outside of church, Maureen has been a Spanish teacher since 2008 and holds a master of arts degree in the Teaching of Spanish as well as a master of education in Curriculum and Instruction. She currently works at Pleasantdale Elementary School in LaGrange. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Meghan Schleich
My family and I joined Epiphany shortly after moving to Elmhurst in
2014. When my husband, Brian, and I first visited Epiphany, we were
immediately drawn to the welcoming congregation, along with the focus
on family and strong sense of community.
We have two children, Maddie and Charlie, and recently adopted a
Beagle named Floppy. I worked in radio and the music industry before
taking a break from the corporate world to be home with the kids. I can
often be found volunteering at various organizations around Elmhurst,
walking the dog around town, or on the tennis court. I started getting more involved in
Children’s Ministry at Epiphany prior to the pandemic and have continued to enjoy helping
teach kids, grow the curriculum, and support our team with various initiatives.
Rhonda Berg
Rhonda lives in Elmhurst with her husband Erik. They have two children,
Avery and Steven. Rhonda works for Mercer as a consultant in the area of
workplace benefits. She has 27 years of experience in employer benefits
consulting, particularly in defined contribution plans like 401(k) and 403(b).
Rhonda completed her first term on council and has agreed to serve a
second term.
Judy Samuelian

I have lived in Elmhurst for almost 50 years and have been a member of Epiphany for over 30 of those years. During this short time and through the years, I have enjoyed being on various committees, teaching Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, and singing in the choir. I am currently a member of the Hannah’s Circle and Congregation Council, to which I am seeking a second term on Council.